Consecration of the United States Supreme Court’s 2023-2024 Term
In Washington, D.C., Oct. 1st, Sunday afternoon was the beginning of our consecrating the Supreme Court to the Lord and heart preparation and instruction for the Supreme Court oral arguments next day. His vision was for our group of intercessors to all to be in the Supreme Court chambers during an Oral Argument. This is the first time ‘this’ has been the mission. We have the Holy Spirit in us…we are vessels that He flows in and through. We can impact the atmosphere. When we are in the same room with the justices, things can happen. The Holy Spirit is in us and as we are embracing the fear of God in us, things can happen, there is a ‘conducting.’ Chief Justice John Roberts allowed the Oral Argument to go MUCH LONGER than normal. I wonder if it was because there were about 50 of us intercessors in the room praying under our breath for them?
Phillip Jauregui, our Judicial Action Group leader and the visionary behind consecrating our Supreme Court gave an anointed presentation of why we as United States citizens have the ‘right’ to consecrate the Supreme Court to the Lord. Here is Phillip’s outline to bring light to this Supreme Court Consecration:
Consecration of the United States Supreme Court’s 2023-2024 Term
1. Consecration By. We do not purport to consecrate with authority as Justices, but we exercise the authority we do have.
a. We consecrate in our spiritual authority as children/princes/regents of our Father, King and
Creator, in the Name of Jesus and by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
b. We consecrate in our authority as citizens of the United States of America, under our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.
1. The Declaration establishes that our government (Supreme Court) derive their just powers from the consent of the governed (us).
2. The Constitution, which is the Supreme Court law of Nation flows from us. (“We the People … do ordain and establish this Constitution”)
3. Consecration To. It is good to consecrate “nazar” away from, but we must first consecrate “qadash” to God. We are consecrating the Supreme Court in their relationship with God, his ways, and realm.
4. Consecration In. To function properly, the Supreme Court Justices must be consecrated in the Fear of the Lord.
a. The King “appointed judges in the land … let the fear of the Lord be on you [judges]. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.” II Chron. 19:5-7.
b. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” Prov. 9:10.
c. Jesus: “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.
5. Consecration For. We consecrate the Supreme Court for the repair of our National Relationship with God. Our Nation: (1) is in existence by the Law of Nature and Nature’s God, (2) Affirms Rights Endowed by God (3) is Under God, and (4) Trusts in God.
Yet, our Supreme Court breached our relationship with God, namely in 1962 (prayer in school), 1963 (Bible in school), 1980 (10 Commandments in school). We forgive the Court, ourselves declare and consecrate the Court for the restoration of our National Relationship with God, and petition God to manifest the restoration now.
Karen’s words again:
When God instructed the people to consecrate themselves in Joshua 3:5, it was because He was planning to do WONDERS on their behalf (against the enemy). Something BIG was about to happen on His calendar. We believe that the consecration of our Supreme Court unto the Lord is also the same in that our merciful and gracious God is about to do WONDERS among us ‘tomorrow!’ If there was ever a time we need His wonders in our nation it is NOW!
Allan Parker, leader of The Justice Foundation, displayed his brand new book REVERSING ROE V WADE (My Journey with Roe, Doe and God). Allan communicated with many encouraging words and passed out pocket U.S.Constitutions and ‘We the People’ bookmarks to assist us in our journey as Biblical citizens and praying with understanding and authority. He still believes the promise of Isa. 28:14-22 is ‘with us’ even to the complete abolition of abortion (murder) in the U.S.
He reminded us of the words of Lou Engle (and perhaps Eddie James): “JESUS I PLEAD YOUR BLOOD OVER MY SINS AND THE SINS OF MY NATION. GOD END ABORTION AND BRING REVIVAL TO AMERICA. God has ended abortion in the U.S. and about 1/3 of the states (in little over 1 year’s time) substantially restrict abortion. We are beginning to see a lot of revival in America.”
Frank Seignious of Doulos Ministries shared some powerful spiritual warfare words.
Jerry led the group in communion…and Jerry and I led the group in worship...the last song of the evening was a prophetic song God gave me some time ago in a minor key – right for this moment:
‘We invite You in this place, Spirit of the fear of the LORD….we invite You in our Court, Spirit of the fear of the LORD…we invite You in our justices, Spirit of the fear of the LORD, we invite You in D.C., Spirit of the fear of the Lord..’.(with a spontaneous oracle): ‘let a Spirit of Justice be released in our justices.’
(Is. 28:6 NKJV For a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, And for strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.)
Another translation says…’He will be a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment…”
All 35 of us were anointed with oil and then prayed for one another. Very powerful time!
2 Responses
Thank you so much for updating us on how the Lord is moving … The pictures say so much!
Praise you Father God for these faithful intercessors At 87 it encourages me greatly
for these laborers of the Harvest !!! We live in Iowa and see the great harvest fields being reaped but in the Spirit of our God the reaping of the Spiritual Harvest!!! O’ HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD
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