We must stand with Israel and pray for the USA


August 9, 2024 America Prophetic 0

(excerpted from Flashpoint (Victory Channel), August 8, 2024, spoken by Luke Ball, Political Analyst).

Pastors over the last few decades and churches have shrunk from the fights in our culture, and then we see what happens when we don’t have a presence in the political field.  We look to some of the most radical things that are happening in our nation right now and wonder where they came from and how this could manifest itself and why a populous that is based in a Christian nation could allow something to arise, it is because too many pastors have been afraid of offending congregants rather than preaching the truth and the Word.  

It isn’t possible to divorce the truth of God’s Word from the actions as Christians that we must take in the public sphere.  It was just mentioned a moment ago that when you look at scripture you can see politics all throughout it and I agree wholeheartedly with that.  I would add that you see governance because politics is what leads into governance, and they are also in some senses, identical because when you look at some of the things that happened in scripture, you see Esther promoted to a position in government that she did not want or seek out, but yet, she was placed there ‘for such a time as this.’  You saw people like Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego that were serving in a kingdom that they did not want to be in, but were hauled into a position of power before the king, and their testimony led to him saying that there is one true God.  

You see people like Joseph who went from the prison house to the penthouse, essentially, the vice president of Egypt because he said I’m going to serve God in this position of government and God was glorified because of it.  So when we see pastors today shrink back from these battles and say that ‘we need to keep our faith and our activism between the doors of the foyer and the church sanctuary’ that is false Christianity.  

We are charged to take our mission and our faith and our gospel to the ends of the earth and that includes our Jerusalem, our Judea and Samaria, right here in the United States of America, and then the uttermost parts of the world can look at the United States and try to model after that if we have good governance.

We also have to remember very quickly that when we are given responsibility over our families, that strong family is going to lead to a strong church, and those vibrant and strong churches with good leadership, especially leadership with men who are shrinking too much in this world, you see how they’re trying to be feminized with like something Tim Walz is doing, when we have strong leadership in our families, it gives strong leadership in the church.  Then we have a strong constituency in the United States that gives us good leaders, and that’s when God starts to bless the United States, when we have that emphasis on leadership and strength through governance and politics, that is conduit for God to work in our nation once again.