Esther Song
ESTHER SONG – KarenSchradeEllard©2024 / HOW IT CAME ABOUT:
My husband and I are part of a dynamic loving prayer family led by Attorney Phillip Jauregui. Phillip has had such an impact on our lives in praying for our Supreme Court and imparting God’s heart to us through his teaching. God has given Phillip such a love for our Supreme Court Justices. Lately Phillip has been speaking to us about the Supreme Court being in an ‘Esther’ moment in our nation. Very sobering. I wanted to write a song for our Supreme Court Justices. But nothing was coming. As I said, ‘Well, Lord, I guess You are not giving me a song. for our Supreme Court.’ ‘Immediately, I heard this melody and words, ‘Esther, Esther, what will you do? Esther, Esther, we’re depending on you, Esther, Esther, will you heed the call? For such a time as this, you must give your all.’ This song was inspired by Holy Spirit…and it ‘is’ for our Supreme Court….and yet, it is truly also for the Body of Christ.
At this critical point in United States history, the Supreme Court must be willing to lay their lives down for our nation and ‘decide cases based on truth, the Constitution, humbling themselves before the LORD, who is the GOD OF JUSTICE, and operate in the fear of the LORD and not man. They must serve no one but a holy God. They must do the right thing and not give into pride or fear.
Yet, this song also directly challenges and speaks to the Church, the Body of Christ, to awaken us to lay our lives down for our nation in prayer and fasting and obedience to the LORD. The words ‘for such a time as this’ never spoke more loudly to us for our Supreme Court Justices than NOW. They have been called into the Supreme Court ‘for such a time as THIS’ and they are ‘not their own’ – but God’s. They are serving HIM first, and then, the people of our great nation.
Our nation is in the process of burning to the ground. Evil forces want to destroy America, take away ALL of our freedoms, and rule us with an iron fist of communism, socialism that comes straight from hell. The Supreme Court has the obligatory mandate and honor to decide cases based on their sacred oaths they took when they were sworn in as Justices. They MUST be ‘the adult’ in the room of our 3 branches of government ‘for such a time as this’ and decide cases based on TRUTH, TRUE JUSTICE, IN THE HOLY FEAR OF GOD and our U.S. CONSTITUTION’s original intent. Our Justices must be filled with courage, reject fear of what will happen to them if they ‘do the right thing.’ This is what Queen Esther did. She was willing to give up her life to save her people. In the end, she gained her life, and her people LIVED, and a great national victory was the result of Esther’s obedience and bravery.
In the Biblical book of Esther, Esther providentially and strategically became Queen Esther in order to save her people, the Jews, from extinction. She did not realize the weightiness of what she had been ‘called’ to do when she became queen. Her Uncle Mordecai told Esther that if she remained silent ‘at this time’ not to think that she would escape death.
In a striking modern-day parallel, the Supreme Court of the United States is poised as a ‘prophetic Queen Esther’ brought into the kingdom (their positions) for such a TIME as THIS in our beloved nation. There are spiritual, political, globalist forces from within and without whose plan is to destroy America by controlling it with evil, unconstitutional, lawless policies, stealing elections, and taking away individual American freedoms.
Our nine Supreme Court Justices have a responsibility before Almighty God, the God of Justice not to give in to fear. That they not attempt to preserve their own lives, falsely thinking that they have the power to ‘save’ their own lives if they choose compromise (which is treasonous behavior). They are defrauding the American people, by wrongly deciding cases that are NOW on their docket (as well as future cases soon coming up) which have national impact on America’s freedom. We have seen that our Supreme Court in recent days have tended to make more and more ‘right’ decisions that line up with the original intent of our U.S. Constitution. Each justice MUST choose to walk in the fear of the Lord and hate all evil, and pursue true justice, even if it means losing their lives. Will you rise up and be Queen Esther and save America from destruction as a nation? The power of life and death is before you – choose LIFE, choose TRUTH, choose TRUE JUSTICE, choose for AMERICA TO LIVE and NOT die, choose the FEAR OF THE LORD!
We are lovingly praying for our Supreme Court and depending on them to do the right thing.
Click BELOW for the Esther Song video:
Do the right thing Esther moment Justices Pray Supreme Court Turn Around
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