God Is Government

We must stand with Israel and pray for the USA

God Is Government

August 3, 2024 America Israel 0
God Is Government

Another month has ‘flown by’ and before we know it, it will be November where America will vote for President of the United States! Far too long has there been a deceptive ‘school of thought’ by some in the Church, that Church and politics’ don’t mix.  This is a huge mistake.  There are many scriptures about government!  Our LORD JESUS ‘is’ GOVERNMENT, according to Isaiah 9 – ‘and the government will be upon HIS SHOULDERS!  What about Psalm 2? God says ‘I have installed My King on My holy hill of Zion.’ A king RULES! Ps. 103:19 His Kingdom rules OVER ALL.

This election is NOT about personalities or even what political party a person has been affiliated with in the past, but it is a choice of LIGHT vs DARKNESS, LIFE vs. DEATH. What policies most align with God’s Word?  It is so important what SOURCE our news is coming from.  There is much deception on the U.S. news media.  The media get their talking points directly from power hungry, non-patriotic people who have ‘lost their way’ and want to destroy the America that we have known and loved. (We listen to Victory News & Flashpoint both on the Victory Channel).

In the book of Genesis, there are 5 major institutions God created that are being greatly challenged by Democrats!  We quote this from Flashpoint, July 23, 2024 spoken by David Barton of Wallbuilders: “There’s 2 things that strike me here:  All principle based. When you go back to the book of Genesis, it’s the book of beginnings,  Everything that’s IMPORTANT is in Genesis  it’s called the SEED PART of the BIBLE.  In Genesis 1, there is a GOD.  In Genesis 1 He creates LIFE.  Genesis 2 He creates 2 GENDERS. Genesis 2 they have children, that’s a FAMILY.  Genesis 12, I’m gonna bless Abraham, whoever blesses Abraham I’ll bless, whoever doesn’t I won’t.  

BUT, You have FIVE issues  right there.  Democrats run from ALL of these ISSUES.  They run from GOD, they run from LIFE, they run from GENDER, they run from MARRIAGE and they run from standing with ISRAEL.  There’s NO WAY you’re gonna be blessed if you run from those FIVE ISSUES.  That’s what they do.”

We must pray, declare the Word of the Lord over our nation – but, we also must ask the Lord how each of us practically get involved in helping people register to vote or in other ways that can help our election be successful in righteousness and justice (Ps. 89:14), no cheating. (We NEED to get rid of the electronic machines).

A person who doesn’t VOTE is not fulfilling their biblical and Christian duty before God.