We Cry Out for Justice (Israel)

We must stand with Israel and pray for the USA

We Cry Out for Justice (Israel)

February 9, 2024 Israel 5
We Cry Out for Justice                                                            (Israel)

Pro. 28:18 For the Lord is a God of Justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him! Ps. 119:126 It is time for You to act, O Lord, for they have regarded Your law as void.

WE CRY OUT FOR JUSTICE (ISRAEL) KarenSchradeEllard©2024 With scriptures and decrees CHORUS: We cry out for justice – ISRAEL cries out for justice We declare a breakthrough of justice IN ISRAEL TODAY! (X 2)

VERSE: We speak the blood of the Lamb upon the nation of ISRAEL We stand in the gap repenting of all injustices In the name and the authority of YESHUA we’re taking back true justice in ISRAEL We do not permit injustice to rule in this land

Job 22:28 You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you;

Matt. 18:18: 18 “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 19 “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

Isaiah 30:18-19 18 Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!

19 People of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious He will be when you cry for help! As soon as He hears, He will answer you.

We decree that the war that ISRAEL is fighting against Hamas and Hezbollah is a JUST WAR that was thrust upon Israel because of the. unspeakable wicked murderous acts of over 1200 Israeli’s on Oct. 7, 2023. Israel is fighting a righteous and just war! Let this truth be heralded throughout the earth.

We decree that Israel will not capitulate, not compromise to attempts of bullying, manipulation, being tempted or bribed to stop the war SHORT OF VICTORY by the United States, by the U.N., by The Hague or any other nation or organization in Yeshua’s name.

We decree that every lie, every deception told about Israel by media, by. government, by professors, pastors, business people, by globalist – woke crazed thinkers will fall to the ground – powerless, in the name of Yeshua.

We decree that Psalm 133 be activated in the government of Israel and. call all government officials to be ‘brothers’ – be as ‘one’ – and that all evil doers who want to throw Israel to the wolves and into danger be winnowed out of the Israeli government once and for all.

We decree all lies spoken concerning Bibi Netanyahu be exposed and true justice executed to those who have maligned him for their evil, selfish purposes. We declare that no weapon formed against Bibi Netanyahu will prosper because this is his heritage as the servant of the LORD – and his righteousness is from the LORD, says the LORD!

We decree that UNRWA will be dismantled piece by piece until there is nothing left because they have murdered innocent Jewish people under the guise of being humanitarian. We declare that UNRWA is despised by the world and no longer needed anywhere, especially not in Israel. Let there be righteous organizations who operate with the fear of the Lord in their loins raised up to help where there are humanitarian needs. As the Body of Messiah, we say – enough is enough – the ROT HAS TO GO NOW!

We decree those hostages are being led out of harms way by the KING HIMSELF, YESHUA, according to Micah 2:13 – He is their ‘Breaker King!’ or the ‘KING & LORD of Breakthrough!’ We declare that the hostages are being set free by holy angels!

We decree that the hostages cannot be used as weapons against Israel to tempt them to compromise. These attempts will NOT succeed in Yeshua’s name.

We decree ABSOLUTE VICTORY (in agreement with PM Netanyahu) in Gaza in the name of Yeshua! Hamas’ control over Gaza is NOW ended in Yeshua’s name!

We decree that Israel will fight this war until they have won – no cease fire, no time out, no deals made with the devil connected with the U.S., Qatar, Egypt, Iran or any other nation. No more Hamas, No more Hezbollah, No more Iranian interference in Yeshua’s name.

We decree that ‘all Israel shall be saved’ as Paul has said in Romans 11 – and NOW is the ‘set time’ to favor Zion, for Holy Spirit to turn their hearts into flesh (according to Ezekiel 36), to cause them to walk in the ways of the Lord, to put Your Spirit within them, LORD!

We decree that both the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Jacob will serve the Lord together, and that sibling jealousy be broken off the sons of Ishmael….that they honor Israel for who God says they are.

We decree that humanitarian aid to Gaza for the purpose of Hamas gleefully stealing it is stopped, as of right now in Yeshua’s name. NO MORE!

We decree no more bullying of Israel in humanitarian aid, in land, in Mediterranean Sea at the Haifa Port, no more ‘bad’ deals for Israel will be received or carried through by Israel – enough is enough!

We decree that the building of tunnels underground in ALL of Israel STOPS NOW in Yeshua’s name! We decree that the evil doers who are building those tunnels will be supernaturally stopped by the Lord of hosts and His angels, as well as the IDF. We decree that Israel will locate ALL of these tunnels and demolish them safely in Yeshua’s name.

We decree that those who have committed murder and Israel is currently keeping in prison will NOT be let go for any ‘deal’ but they will stand trial and be executed for their murderous acts.

We decree that the evil political posturing in Israel will cease in Yeshua’s name. We decree that righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s Throne – and Israel is to reflect God’s Throne here on earth.

We declare righteousness prevails in the Supreme Court in Israel, in the Knesset, in all of the government branches – and anyone who will not submit or humble themselves to Biblical values in the government will be shown to be in the wrong publicly and will fall by the wayside, never to rise again – their ‘political life’ snuffed out for the glory of God and the protection of Israel.


5 Responses

  1. Jane Pouw Asprelli says:

    Anointed worship at ICEJ is so powerful! I’m a musician myself, teach piano mainly now; but taught voice and choirs before. I occasionally write music and use my classical training to do it. I am not as gifted as you guys. I live in Murfreesboro and go to a very contemporary church and support what they do, World Outreach Church. Love what you do, it lefts me up to the heavens. Thank you for what you are doing! May God continue to give you inspirations to make his word come alive! \

  2. Ray Gorrie says:

    Thank you once again for bringing this to the GPG today! You are truly inspired and inspiring.
    May God continue to enrich your ministry.

  3. Mary Jane Emtage says:

    Dear Jerry and Karen, I’ve been so blessed as you sang/ prayed /cried out for justice for Israel.
    There’s one very small part I would qualify… please read the passage in Job 22 and consider if these words of Eliphaz were from God or not. Maybe also consider the end of the book, Job 42:7ff.
    But I so much appreciate your agreement with the character and purposes of God as revealed in the rest of scripture.
    Thx for receiving this,
    Mary Jane Emtage, (a_emtage@kingston.net)

  4. Daniel and Carol Ketchum says:

    Hallelu-YAH, forever friends! Thank you for proclaiming the song and declarations of God’s heart in the name and nature of Yeshua HaMashiach and in the authority of Ruach HaKodesh both of whom live in you. Hallelu-YAH to the LORD God of Israel as we prepare with you to co-host a journey through His Land. Together with you since living and ministering so close to you in Jerusalem, we continue into our 10th year as your colleagues. We pray in faith and praise Him for His justice over His chosen, cherished, covenant people, nation Israel, Jerusalem, Zion, and Land. Love, grace, and shalom in Yeshua alone!

  5. m wright says:

    Thank you so much for these decrees!!!
    Will be using them!!!


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